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Welcome to the new and improved, Bailey's Dailies

Hey there!

In the past, I have ran a tumblr called Bailey's Dailey's. I decided to add a blog portion to my site so that you can get to know me a bit better, and it keeps all my thoughts and portfolio in one place!

If you'd like to see my old work, you can click here. I won't be taking the tumblr down as I feel it's necessary to show your footprint... no matter how serious or silly it may be. Exhibit A below...

Now, why do I call it a Dailies? "Dailiies in flimmaking is the raw, unedited footage shot during the making of a motion picture." Yes, that's from Wikipedia. So often I feel people aren't honest with themselves and others.

We like to show the perfect picture. The happy, filtered and socially acceptable version of us. I feel as a Christian I'm called to lead by example and show people how my life really looks.

Jesus was friends with the prositutes, the poor and the priveledged. He showed love to everyone while still preaching a message that doesn't falter or bend to our individual will.

So these are my dailies. This is my place to learn, explore and express. Hope you enjoy!



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